Saturday, November 13, 2010

Diatomaceous Earth

Include Diatomaceous Earth in feed barrels, mixtures, nests, and floor dressing to control worms, parasites, and insects in the loft.

Twenty words or less TCC Loft series

Product Label
Red Lake Earth - Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a pure and natural product with no chemicals or toxins. It is a light-coloured porous rock-clay based mineral composed of the shells of diatoma (microscopic one-celled or colonial algae, having cell walls of silica). It is in effect, a pure organic mineral with fine sharp crystalline structure that pierces the wax protective finish of the skin of insects and parasites but is Safe for larger animals and birds.

  • Insect free grain storage - 1/2 to 2% of the weight of grain (1/2 to 2 lb into 100 lb of grain) with no toxins being used (malathion, sevin) plus it will work for an indefinite length of time.
  • Eliminating intestinal worms and parasites - feed 1/2 to 2% of the weight of grain or feed mix (same as storing grain). It can be used for pigeons, poultry, dogs, cats, sheep, goats, cattle, horses, and  an other animals.
  • Mineralization - purely organic broad spectrum mineral containing calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate, sodium, titanium, potassium, plus many others.
  • Deodorizing/absorption - Neutralizes and absorbs odours and moisture.
  • Insecticide dusting - Sprinkle on the floor of the loft and in the nests to control insect infestations, absorb moisture and odours at a rate of 500 gm to 2 kg to a 10' x 10' area.
Precautions - Avoid inhaling dust. Avoid contact with eyes. Use of a dust mask and appropriate eye protection is recommended. Wash off powder if on skin